What are the 3 benefits of stretching exercises?
Here are 3 benefits of stretching exercises on a daily basis and before doing any sports.
1. Improve and maintain a greater quality of life.
2. Flexibility, flexibility, flexibility and more…..
3. Improve circulation and movement.
Do you like stretching every day? Many years ago, I was doing sports such as riding my bike, swimming and cross country skiing but I never thought that stretching was so important and they did not talk too much about it at the time.
In 2002, after I came back from Vancouver to Montreal, I used to be very stressed and looking for a career change. One morning while doing my yoga practice, I had a flash and decided that I was going to take a massage course.
Before registering for the class I booked a session with the massage teacher and find out about it. However, I had a concern, because I had pain in my hands and I did not know If I could make it.
Here was the answer of the teacher; If you do the stretches that I am showing you-you will be fine. But, before it gets better it will get worse because your muscles are not accustomed to being stretched. 3 weeks later I had improved a lot and could take the class.
One year after graduating, I took a 4 day-stretching workshop for trainers and therapists in Montreal by Aaron L. Mattes from Florida. We stretched almost all the muscles in our body. After the first day, I was feeling exhausted but feeling very good.
As we were going through the days I was feeling more energized and not fatigued anymore. To me, It has been an unbelievable and amazing body-mind experience. Moreover, It was a lifesaver for me.
Now, enough talking and let’s get practical. I want to show you 3 stretches that you can start with.
1. Your hands, sometimes you don’t think that your hands are
important but they are. The finger stretch.
2. Your back, you all know people who have back problems, a
very common complaint. It is called; leg pelvic stretch tilt with one or both legs.
One leg
Two legs
3. Your jaw commonly called TMJ stretch It is called;
temporomandibular joint stretch.
The Digastric muscle
Here is a video that I made to show you how to stretch your TMJ!
PLEASE share it with people who might need it.
For more info on the manual entitled; Specific Stretching For Everyone
These 3 benefits are extremely crucial if you want to live a fulfilling life, be active, moving, and be able to enjoy your grandchildren. I cannot emphasize enough to stretch every day from birth to death.
Also, to complement I take some multi-vitamins and calcium to keep my bones healthy.
As they use to say; you don’t use it you lose it! You have the choice to feel good or not.
I hope that you will enjoy stretching as much as I do and start to incorporate it into your daily routine.
To your stretching! Enjoy! Please, don’t forget to leave a comment! I would like to hear from you.
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