Some Foods Are Natural Healers!
When my grandparents were growing their own foods, they were considering some foods as healer foods. Of course, the technology came in and started food processing and did not know what will happen down the road.
Also, our ancestors were living according to nature. Today, we don’t trust ourselves how to find ways to heal and eat good foods for us. We rely on doctors and others to take care of ourselves, we wait for the bus as opposed to being the driver of our life.
The doctors are guiding and helping us in the process, however, we are the one who is in charge of our health, not the doctor.
Herbs & Spices are considered natural healers
1. Turmeric – a powerful antioxidant, it may prevent colon cancer and Alzheimer’s disease
2. Cumin seeds – helps prevent cancer, especially in the liver and stomach
3. Saffron – effective in treating insomnia, depression, Alzheimer’s disease and diabetes
4. Tulsi (Holy Basil) – relieves indigestion and headaches, and might inhibit breast cancer
5. Ginger – also a powerful antioxidant, helps prevent nausea due to motion sickness or pregnancy and lowers blood pressure
6. Sage – very effective in dealing with menopausal hot flushes, is a natural deodorant, sore throat tonic, antiseptic and astringent
7. Cayenne pepper – can ease coughs and colds, act as an appetite suppressant, and is also good for digestion
8. Cinnamon – reduces blood sugar, lowers bad cholesterol and triglycerides
9. Rosemary – improves liver function and heart health, helps prevent brain aging and breast cancer
Let’s be in charge of your health! For additional information!
To your health,
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