How Is Your Blood Pressure?
This is a common subject that people are talking about and as well as doctors, which is very important. Blood pressure is the force of blood pushing on the walls of your arteries, and the heart is responsible for pumping that blood into your body.
The health care workers and doctors use a gauge, stethoscope, electronic sensor and a blood pressure cuff. Nowadays, you can take your BP at home and store and forward your results to your smartphone to your doctor, so he or she knows your results.
The numbers mean: Ex: 120/80
Systolic pressure: the heart pumps blood through your arteries. 120
Diastolic pressure: it is when the heart is at rest between beats. 80
I have been followed by a doctor every year for my annuals and blood pressure for a long time. She checks my blood pressure each time I visit because she thinks ( doctor ) that I should take medication to lower my blood pressure.
I took what they called a Holter machine that puts on your arm for 24 to 48 hrs. to check your blood pressure all day long, but it always came back negative, not significant to start me on medication.
The doctor asked me for about 4 or 5 years to start medication for blood pressure. I said no because the blood pressure was 140 or 150 sometimes at the office.
However, at least for me, it is not necessarily accurate in the office setting.
Do You Have White Coat Syndrome?
I do! It is a phenomenon in which patients have a blood pressure level above the normal range in a doctor’s office setting due to stress and anxiety about seeing the doctor. When I see the doctor, my blood pressure automatically goes up no matter what.
The blood pressure varies all day long depending on what you are doing, or if you are at rest, It is normal. Many years ago, I saw a nephrologist ( specialist for kidneys ) telling me that you start to treat hypertension when the numbers reach a plateau, then you treat it; otherwise, you monitor it.
For instance, if your BP is 160/80 and does not go down at rest or in movement, we need to act accordingly. What they call normal can be arbitrary, depending on your condition.
Because If you bend to pick up the newspaper, your BP spikes and normalizes when you stand up. All the time, it is changing, which is normal. But if you have a medical condition, it might change temporarily.
They are often called idiopathic hypertension, which means without any physiologic cause. In my opinion, I discovered that your inner dialogue plays a significant role in causing hypertension.
Since I do meditation and calm myself down, my blood pressure comes down by itself, such as 120/ 80 and 110/70, which varies without taking any medicine. I noticed during my nursing practice that people with high blood pressure get mad quickly with a little situation in their life; it is something to be aware of.
It often starts between the 4 inches between your ears most of the time.
What I do for myself
– I do meditation,
– Change my way of thinking
– Change my attitude throughout life
– Enjoy walking in nature
– Eat healthy foods, and It makes a big difference.
To conclude, before taking any supplements, always talk to your doctor, especially if you have a specific condition and are under other medications.
Have a healthy week,
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