How To Boost Your Brain!
How can we boost our brains naturally and ensure we have all the nutrients that will help keep our brains healthier and sharper?
Some nutrients might contribute to a better, stronger brain for adults and children.
1. Berries –
Blueberries and strawberries have remarkably strong antioxidant power and have been shown to protect your memory as you grow older.
2. Olive Oil –
Your brain is about 60% fat, and fatty acids are among the most crucial to help your brain perform. A diet supplemented by extra virgin olive oil will supply your brain with the fats it needs for better reasoning and problem-solving.
3. Walnuts –
Alpha-linolenic acid, an omega-3 unique to walnuts, helps fight depression and mental illness. A handful of walnuts each day can significantly boost learning ability.
4. Dark chocolate –
Dark chocolate boosts the function of neurons in the brain and improves your ability to keep memories intact.
5. Water –
Proper fluid balance allows for your body’s most critical communications to flow smoothly. Dehydration can manifest in the brain as mental and emotional imbalances.
6. Fish –
Fish like salmon, mackerel, sardines, and tuna contain healthy fats that help the brain’s neurons communicate more effectively, form memories and support high-level thinking.
To conclude, whatever you can take to improve your brain will certainly help to develop your children’s brain health, keep adults’ brains sharper, and allow them to enjoy life longer.
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To your healthy brain,
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