Teas To Have In Your Kitchen!

Category: Healthy Nutrition

Quick research on herbal remedies or homemade treatments will reveal teas’ importance in curative and preventive health. So you better stock up with these potent yet tasty teas. Nowadays, we […]

10 Foods High In Magnesium!

Category: Healthy Nutrition

Magnesium is one of seven essential macrominerals for our health. These are minerals that need to be consumed in relatively large amounts, at least 100 milligrams (mg) per day. An adequate […]

Cauliflower Crust Piazza!

Category: Healthy Nutrition

Sometimes I like to make a vegetarian pizza and top it with all the good vegetables of my choice. However, I limit myself to eating only occasionally because of the […]

Did you know?

Category: Healthy Home

A study by scientists at the University of Bergen in Norway found that regular use of cleaning sprays can have the same health impact as smoking a pack of cigarettes […]

3 Reasons a Sports Drink is a Must on a Hot Day

Category: Healthy - Body

Are you taking a sports drink in the summer on a hot day? Hydration is crucial on a hot and humid day. Here is an article on the subject:https://gaetane.yourwellnessproject.com/member/discover/article/3-reasons-a-sports-drink-is-a-must-on-a-hot-day?source=share Please, […]