What Type Of Sale-Person Are You?
Category: Marketing Tips
How do you go about sponsoring people in your business? What kind of persons are you comfortable with and are easier to speak to? It is not always easy to […]
Category: Marketing Tips
How do you go about sponsoring people in your business? What kind of persons are you comfortable with and are easier to speak to? It is not always easy to […]
Category: Healthy Beauty
Today people are more aware of what we put on our skin. It is difficult to choose which products that you can use safely. Now the choices of all the […]
Category: Marketing Tips
How to be polite and professional! Have you had to answer somebody who is asking you to make an appointment to show you a business opportunity or products they are […]
Category: Healthy lifestyle
Ageing is not a matter that we can escape however the way we are going to live will make a difference in all stages of our life. Every decade has […]
Category: Marketing Tips
Do I Say Yes Or No? There is one thing that I don’t like in network marketing is, people, are saying ” no ” all the time. Sometimes I want […]
Category: Healthy Home
Nowadays, every day you hear about green and clean. Sometimes it is very difficult to distinguish what is safe and clean for you, your family, and the environment. I think […]
Category: Healthy - Body
There are few benefits to exercise and they are stupendous. Also, It helps to control your blood sugar, your weight, improve your mood, reduce signs of nervousness and lower the […]
Category: Photography
Sometimes you get up and don’t know what pictures to take of and we go randomly without knowing. Think about the weather! Is it sunny or cloudy? A fact that […]
Category: Healthy lifestyle
I have always liked listening to music, pop, jazz, and particularly classical music, It is my favourite. It makes me vibrate, relax, and calm my mind and brings me to […]
Category: Healthy Nutrition
Does your teen or someone you know, need to write an exam or a test of some sort in the near future? If so, I wanted to share some tips […]